2009 Forum Backstage

We hope you enjoy the images of the incidents of the 2009 forum.

In this photo, Reynaldo Puerta editing the video. Good Job.

Our coordinator a bit worried about the presentation. It is 11:30 a.m. and there are some aspects that need to be fixed.

Our students' help this day was relevant. Thanks to all those who contributed to the obtention of this award. In this photo, Johandris Cabarcas is helping organize the portfolios with the explanations and parameters of our project.

During the Forum. The Minister of Education Cecilia Maria Velez White was in charge of introducing the event. In this picture, the minister is talking about the goals the goverment has fulfilled and the ones to be reached, especially in the district of Barranquilla.

During our presentation. Jesus Mena of 9th grade introduced our presentation: "It's English Time". He made the introduction in English and demostrated that our students are responding to the objective of the project. Our coordinator Ivon Lobo Fontalvo, presented the impact, the projection, the the theoretical framework, the objectives and other mportant points of our project. The presentation was broadcasted at colombiaaprende.edu.co and Secretaria de Educaion Distrital web page. Teachers around Colombia and the world could see the broadcast live.

Once all the delegates presented their projects, there was time for a break. Here some of the most remarkable moments of this period.

The group that represented I.E.D. Jorge Nicolas Abello. The Principal Matilde Camargo Rodriguez, the coordinator of the project Ivon Lobo Fontalvo, and some of the teachers Sunilda Barrios, Helena Cardales, Margeris De La Hoz, Fabian Padilla and Luz Helena Perez.